Welcome to our Batiz Family Website!
My name is Charlie Fourquet Batiz, and I've been researching our family's history for over 26 years and have found some wonderful people on our family tree. I was born in Brooklyn, but have been immersed in Puerto Rican culture all my life.
My mom was Carmen Lydia Batiz Sierra, grand-daughter of Antonio Batiz and Hortencia Mas, whom raised her in their homes in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Her father, Pedro Juan Batiz Mas, also had five other children, sons Jose Angel, Pedro Antonio, Luis Rafael, Jorge Luis (qepd) and Edgardo Juan.
I've always been fascinated with my family's history, but in 1991, my mom had a stroke and my life changed forever. As she recovered I brought her her photo albums and had her identify family members whom I didn't know. .. I began feeling incredibly connected to this family and needed to know more. That was it, I was hooked!
More recently, I've had the pleasure to be joined by second cousin Kamey and prima-hermana Roselind Batiz, who were also bit by the genealogy bug are working towards continuing our search for answers in our family's past.
I have co-founded an organization dedicated to teaching fellow Puerto Rican descendants how to dig up, and identify, their family roots. We present workshops, participate in fairs and conferences all over New York City.
A recent trip to Ponce inspired me to open an internet page for the Batiz family. I hope to share what we have discovered with you all so that we too can take our place in the timeline of this country's history and achievements.
Feel free to contact me at charlie@batizfamily.com. I would love to hear from family and hopefully have members contribute information on the website.
- Charlie